Client and customer testimonials and reviews are the most effective way to build trust in your brand.

While you can tell your clients and customers how good your goods, products and services might be, what you also need to do is ask your customers to tell their story and experience with you.

Testimonials and reviews build credibility in your brand. While you know you can solve your customer’s problems with your offerings, what other customers want to know is what does the client think. Is what you are saying really the truth?

Testimonials create an emotional appeal that is from a peer.

Let’s start with something we all know – the morning tipple – your coffee purchase. You might be promoting your coffee beans are freshly roasted and numerous other differentiators of your excellent coffee offering, but it’s what your customer thinks that’s going to bring you the morning coffee line up outside your business.

Studies have shown that testimonials and reviews:

  1. Can generate more than 60% more revenue from a customer
  2. Are read by more than 90% of people before they make a purchase
  3. Are trusted by nearly 90% of customers
  4. Creates more than 70% trust in the business itself.

Testimonials and review create the connection you need with your target audience bridging the gap between you promoting how good your products and services are, that is the delivery of offerings versus the perception of those offerings – the customer’s perception.

When this is bridged, a business has developed the trust between what it says it does and the customer validating that service offering or product.

It is generally agreed that consumers trust each other more than they trust marketing and advertising. A testimonial sways the consumer’s decision.

Your brand needs effective marketing and public relations mixed with people’s impression of your service and products. When this is delivered, suddenly you find your message is being broadcast through megaphones and your credibility is strongly and confidently amplified.

Testimonials and reviews are your brand advocates, so make sure you encourage your clients and customers to leave you a review if they’re happy with what you have provided them.

Published On: October 2nd, 2021 / Categories: Insights /

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